You have a right to request your academic transcript and to speak with your high school counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate. Be certain to check your transcripts and ask questions about the credits you’ll need to graduate.
Archive | Educational Planning
What do I need to complete high school?
Generally, you must complete a minimum number of courses to graduate with a diploma. You no longer need to pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) to receive your diploma.
Who is an education rights holder?
Until a person turns 18, an adult holds their education rights. This person is called an education rights holder, or ERH.
Who do you call if you have a complaint or need help?
By tafy on October 24, 2013 in Educational Planning, Educational Resources, Employment, Identity Theft, My Education, My Life, My Work, Options After High School, Paying for College, Records, Supports in College, The Independent Living Program, Traffic Citations, When I Turn 18, When Your Case Closes
First, remember that you are not alone. There are people and agencies that want to help you. Continue Reading →