In order to participate in AB12, you must be: Continue Reading →
Archive | My Life
What housing options are available after I turn 18?
Under AB 12, you can continue to stay with your current caregiver or live in another foster home.
What is a transition meeting or conference?
You should get a Transition Planning Conference 90 days before your case closes or 90 days before you turn 18 years old — whichever comes first (OR before you age out of guardianship with a non-related legal guardian). Continue Reading →
What should you do to get extended foster care benefits?
Talk to your social worker and attorney if you would like to continue to receive foster care benefits after you turn 18. Continue Reading →
Who is eligible for AB12?
To receive benefits, eligible youth must have turned 18 after January 1, 2012 and have a foster care/suitable placement order on their 18th birthday. Continue Reading →
What should I do if I’m not getting help to become independent?
If you are experiencing a problem with your TILP, (for example, you don’t have an updated TILP, your CSW or PO is not involving you in developing your TILP, or you aren’t getting the services you need) please let your attorney or judge know right away. Continue Reading →
Can I still receive ILP services if I am working?
Yes. HOWEVER, make sure that you list “employment training” as one of the goals in your TILP! Continue Reading →
Will I still have Medi-Cal when my case closes?
Yes. As a current or former foster youth, you are eligible for extended Medi-Cal services up to the age of 26 if you were in foster care when you turned 18. Continue Reading →
How do I apply for SSI?
When you turn 16 years old, your CSW must complete a document (the SSI Screening Guide) to check to see if you are eligible. Continue Reading →
Are there any programs that can help me when I transition out if I have a disability?
Yes! The Department of Rehabilitation assists people with disabilities to get jobs. Continue Reading →