
My Life

Charles-300pxI wish someone had told me people would expect more from me when I transitioned out of foster care. – Charles

Thinking about life after foster care doesn’t have to be filled with doubt. There are many tools like the Independent Living Program (ILP) to help you as you get ready to leave foster care.

The goal of the Independent Living Program (ILP) is to help you reach your goals for independence and success and to prepare you to lead a healthy, productive, responsible, and self-sufficient life. You can get money for college, job training, mentoring and more.

Find out if you’re eligible for an ILP and what ILP can do for you.

You can also learn about the Transitional Independent Living Plan, or TILP. TILP is not the same thing as the Independent Living Program, but you’ll need one to be able to receive financial benefits.

And find out what you will need when your case closes, including what services you should receive and what important documents you should receive from your social worker or probation officer.

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